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Purple and White Presentation Bouquet


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The Purple and White bouquet is designed in a presentation style to accentuate and celebrate your special graduate or dancer. This bouquet includes spiders mums, beautiful gerbera daisies, purple roses and is filled with lush greens, purple daisies and alstroemerias. The bouquet comes with a water source wrapped around the bottom to keep fresh all day.
The Purple and White bouquet is designed in a presentation style to accentuate and celebrate your special graduate or dancer. This bouquet includes spiders mums, beautiful gerbera daisies, purple roses and is filled with lush greens, purple daisies and alstroemerias. The bouquet comes with a water source wrapped around the bottom to keep fresh all day.

What People Are Saying

Melina Ouzounis
star star star star star
Wed Apr 17, 2024
Source: Google

Great service on my order. The arrangement is beautiful. Thank you Fili

Trevor Piercey
star star star star star
Tue Mar 26, 2024
Source: Google

The staff were super helpful and friendly and helped me avoid a forgotten birthday. I called up and they helped me arrange a same-day delivery for my grandmother who turns 93. Thank you so much!!!

star star star star star
Fri Mar 08, 2024
Source: Google


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