Picture Perfect Arrangement Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Delightful White Daisies and Delicate Pink Spray Roses
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
What People Are Saying
Forest of Flowers sent the most beautiful arrangement for a friend under the weather.
Now I've seen arrangements before that were nice looking, but this arrangement was above and beyond stunning !!
I will continue to use them because i can trust Forest of Flowers with any type of arrangement I need. They give me peace of mind !
We had ordered flowers for my grandfather's passing and the flowers were not only beautiful but delivered early! I will be going back to Forest of Flowers for any future occasion!
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